Cirrhosis is the final stage of chronic liver diseases. Cirrhosis is caused by many causes but is most common in people infected with hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and alcohol abuse. Therefore, to prevent cirrhosis, it is necessary to promptly detect and treat the cause of the disease. Regular use of liver supplements will not have a preventative effect.
Regarding screening, you should do liver function tests, some liver cancer markers and liver ultrasound. If in doubt, do a CT or MRI scan. For the lungs, you should have a chest X-ray or low-dose lung computed tomography.
Vestibular disorder is a general term used to refer to the disorder, reduction or loss of the vestibular system, one of three key systems that play a role in balance for the body. There are many causes of vestibular disorders, but people are mainly divided into two large groups based on the location of the disease: central vestibular disorders and peripheral vestibular disorders.
There are 2 types of stroke: cerebral stroke and heart stroke. Studies have shown that stroke may be related to central vestibular disorders, not peripheral vestibular disorders.
However, acute vertigo attacks due to peripheral vestibular disorders can make the patient dizzy, nauseous, lose balance, and lead to falls. Falling increases the risk of stroke, as well as endangering life, for example when dizziness suddenly appears while the patient is driving a vehicle. Thus, peripheral vestibular disease can be considered an indirect risk factor for stroke.
Peripheral vestibular disorders are common in 90-95% of patients with vestibular disorders due to many causes. Causes include benign paroxysmal positional vertigo, vestibular neuritis, Ménière's disease, labyrinthitis, perilymph fistula, vestibulocochlear neuroma...
Clinical manifestations vary depending on the cause. It can be transient dizziness, only occurring for a short time, appearing when changing positions such as shaking the head, from lying down to sitting. Or the dizziness is so severe and prolonged that the patient cannot walk or change from lying to sitting.
In addition to severe dizziness, severe patients also have accompanying symptoms such as frequent and prolonged vomiting, tinnitus, hearing loss, heavy head, difficulty concentrating, and vasomotor disorders causing pale skin. Decreased heart rate, sweating, falls causing injury due to lack of balance control.
Not all cases of thyroiditis require surgical intervention. Depending on the condition and type of thyroiditis, your doctor will recommend appropriate treatment.
Your symptoms can be due to many different causes such as vestibular disorders, anemia, cardiovascular causes... The doctor needs to examine directly as well as coordinate additional tests, scans, and examinations. Functional testing is necessary to make an accurate diagnosis and advise you on appropriate treatment.